South Jersey Beach Deals! Check Out Our Amazing Coupons! There is more than one way to enjoy our many Beach Visitor’s Coupon Guide. People who pick up our book or use our new online coupon section are interested in a number of things: learning about the area, finding something to do, finding somewhere to eat, and clipping great coupons from our advertisers found in the back of our guide. Our advertisers provide our readers with great specials via coupons. Take advantage of these coupons when you are exploring the Jersey Shore Beach area. Maybe you could use one or ten of the coupons in the current issue during your next trip. It’s all up to you! Our coupons are divided into the multiple categories and areas within the guide: attractions, shopping, and dining. These are the coupon pages in Guide. In the ATTRACTIONS part of our coupon section, you will find coupons for money off tours, boat and jet ski rentals, canoe rentals, parasailing adventures, snorkeling trips, fishi...